The world I want for you, my daughter: Molly Fisher, Rooney's Mom
Written by Molly Fisher
Dear Rooney,
I am so proud of you. I hope I tell you that enough.
You are — quite literally — the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You have taught me so much about myself, love and life. You have brought me such an immense amount of joy and happiness. Each and every day.
You have brought light into my life at a time when our world is struggling. It can be a dark place.
That is what actually makes this the perfect time for me to write to you. That might sound strange because you’re eleven-months-old and I should be focusing more on the Play-Doh you are currently molding for me, but it’s important I write to you at a time when things were far from perfect. Hopefully, when life gets bumpy for you, you'll seek the light too.
Your life will not come without fear, hatred, greed, hurt and more. It breaks my heart to think of your spirit or body being hurt, demeaned or broken, but I want you to know that when those things happen (and they will), you have what it takes to overcome them.
You’re a strong woman that was raised by the strong women and loving men around you.
You do not need to be anything other than exactly who you are. You do not need to be stronger, wiser, or quicker. You do not need more possessions or money. You simply need to place your feet on this earth, ground them into the soil and feel the vibrations. You are a child of this earth forevermore.
If you ever feel lost and I am not near, look to the clouds. Lay on your back in the grass and look up. Beauty awaits, my little girl. Even on those ugly rainy days, give it a try! It’s a beautiful reminder of how beautiful our world is even in its meanest moments.
Our "home" may change location, our family may grow (or not), our relationship will ebb and flow, but I will always be here. I will always respect and love your truth. I will admire who you become. My arms will always be meant to hold you for as long as you live. My heart will forever beat for you.
When you look in the mirror, please be kind to yourself. I made you. Your dad and I were able to create what we believe to be the most perfect human on this planet. We made you with just the right amount of vigor, passion, beauty, kindness, and curiosity.
Be kind to yourself. Be kind to your body. Be kind to your spirit.
Take the time to not only listen to others (music included), but also take time to listen to the wind and the waves. Listening to nature is just as important.
I wish I could hand you guidelines for how to live the most comfortable and happy life. It’s not that simple. You have to figure life out for yourself. What makes you happy? What charges your spirit? Is that cuddling up at home in your comfies or out exploring the world? Whatever it is, I will support and guide you the best I can. I will cheer you on and provide you with all that I can to ensure your happiness.
You are my North Star.
Molly Fisher is the proud mom of Rooney, an eleven-month-old who is quite a human. Rooney does not stop until she accomplishes what she wants to. Before she could stand on her own, she spent all night trying to perfect the skill despite the fact that everyone else just wanted to sleep. She loves beef more than any sweet food, she can stand on her tiptoes more comfortably than her entire foot, and she can literally melt the world around her with her crinkle-nose smile. A growing fan of The Grateful Dead and James Taylor, she is an old soul when it comes to her taste in music.